Friday, April 13, 2012


“Tourists don't know where they've been, travelers don't know where they're going.”
― Paul Theroux

Did I know where I was going when I chose Vanuatu? Yes and no.

My friend Carmen, who has spent ample time in various Pacific island states (, had said "Go to Vanuatu" when I asked her where she would go if she had to choose just one Pacific island. Now I think she said that because she had just recently returned from Kosrae, Marshall Islands, when I asked her - and the food on Kosrae had been so atrocious that she tried to protect me by recommending Vanuatu, as it has better food because of the French influence...

Joking aside: I'll try hard not to generalize - any of my comments are just personal opinions (or stuff stolen from Wikipedia, which I hope is more or less correct).

Carmen, or anyone else who knows better: please don't let mistakes go uncorrected, thank you!

When I got off the plane in Port Vila's tiny airport I soon found out that the 24-hour kiosk promised by did not exist (not any more, or maybe had never existed?) - anyway, as I had not made any bookings in advance, I did what I always do in such a situation: ask the taxi drivers. They wanted to take me to town, but I had seen a village near the attractive-looking Hideaway Island from the airplane, and alas, one of the drivers knew a guesthouse there (actually, THE guesthouse, as there is only one).
 Click on the photo to see the album Vanuatu

Here is a video about sand drawing:


  1. Wie schön, dass Du eine solche Reise machen kannst, mutig bist Du ja das kann man sagen.
    In meinem Travel Events Buch: "100 things to do before you die " ist ein Kapitel Vanatu/Pentecost gewidmet.
    Landdiver: the most thrilling fertility rite on earth -and the earliest form of bungee jumping.
    Wenn Du Gelegenheit hast dann schau Dir das an. Leider sehr teuer US350 dazu kommt noch ein kleiner Flug.
    Ich find den Turm zu besteigen ja noch gefährlicher als zu springen.
    Have a good time. Lg.Helga

    1. hallo helga,
      leider war ich für die land-diving events zu früh dran, aber es ging sich mit meiner gesamtplanung nicht anders aus. na ja, man kann eben nicht immer alles haben! ich freu mich über das, was ich sehe, und was ich nicht sehen konnte, dran denke ich nicht mehr. vielleicht ein anderes mal - und wenn nicht, auch gut.
      wie siehts bei dir aus mit dem reisen?
      liebe grüsse
